Display related custom posts on 'parent' post
It seems like a huge thing is missing from your plugins.
If I link two custom post types eg if I have a CPT for cars and a CPT for dealers, and I link the posts with a post object field, so each car is related to a particular dealer, there is no way to run a loop to display all the cars related to the dealer on a single post template for the dealer CPT.
This is huge. Please can we have this. I used to be able to do this easily in Toolset.
Feature Details
Board: Divi Machine
Created: 18 July 2024
Last Updated: 18 July 2024
Posted By: gavinstockden
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gavinstockden - 18 July 2024
Just to clarify, I am talking about when the user inputs the data on the front end.
So in this example there is no way for the dealer to input data about a new car on the front end dealers page and then display all of those cars entered on the front end on the dealers page.
This is a real problem. One of the main reasons I bought your plugin was to create sites where users can input data in forms and then display that data again. Seems this is not possible in all but the simplest of cases if I can’t display user created data from a linked CPT.