Latest Features

Select multiple dropdown

Dear SupportI’m trying to finalise a form to allow users to update their details on my site.I would like to be able to present dropdowns, with users then able to choose multiple opt...

Date Picker for Filter

Date Picker & Date Range Picker

Flexbox Module

This could be a bit unrealistic, but it would be great to have a module that could allow individual items to be added (in the same way that items can be added to the accordian module) where the mod...


Custom badgeFor example:Add a custom badge field to product where I can write what I want. For example: “PRE-ORDER DATE 29-01-2023”Best regardsWilliam...

Redirect to newly created post, page or CPT and option to send an email with that url

Would be nice to have a %%url%% option available in both the redirect url field and email template. So after user has created a new post, page or CPT with the form builder, an email can be sent to ...

ACF Time Picker

I see that you have created a date and time picker and a date only picker, but I would like a time picker only. I want to be able to conditionally ask the submitter a questions if the event is goi...

Fix products price range filter (use the final product price - including tax)

At the moment, if you display prices including TAX (which you do have to), the price range filter will not behave as expected. For example, if I set tax to 23% and then try to filter produc...

Mega Menu alignment to sticky header elements

I’ve noticed that the “de-mega-menu-container” div is placed inside the “et-main-area” of the page instead of in the “et-l--header”. This makes it impossible to position it in relatio...

In Review
off set looped products

I would like a feature to off set where the product loop starts. For instance I have a loop of products and wish to have the first 3 product in 3 columns, followed by separate text content, then mo...

Datepicker for the repeater

Today the date picker function only works for regular fields in ACF but not the date picker field inside a repeater.For events which have multiple dates per event there is no possilibity to...

In Review

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