Latest Features

WCAG & ADA Compliance

ADA and WCAG compliance is becoming increasingly important. More and more businesses are being sued for not building compliant website. There are some ADA Compliance products on the market, but the...

Customizable Pagination

Something like what already exists for BodyCommerce. It would also be handy to have an option to set the number of page numbers shown. I am having trouble making pagination...

Repeating fields

Hi. I’m building a job application form and was hoping to allow the client to add more ‘lines’ for when they are adding previous employment so as not to have to add loads of blank fields in h...

Diseño en mails de notificaciones

Las notificaciones por mail que tengan diseño, para el admin y para quien completa el formulario para confirmar recepción. Tener plantillas para elegir el diseño o crearla en Builder.

Plugin: True Scalibility with Clamp()

While Divi’s default Mobile Customizer and style mods for the 3 main breakpoints are a good start, modern css and web development have an imminently powerful tool that reduces css code significan...

Add A Color Picker

Add a color picker as a field type to the Form. Visitors select a color with a color wheel or hex code. Let the form creator decide how many colors the visitor can pick. This feature would be excel...

New Filters: Sales and In Stock

Please add if possible, the following filters in ARP Filter Post module 1. filter Sale products 2. filter In Stock products Both are more than importan...

In Review
Ads manager

Just an ads manager (for exemple Ad Inserter Pro) to avoid to have a external plugin.

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